Seattle Travel
Vancouver, BC Weather in October: Is it Worth the Visit?

Vancouver, BC Weather in October: Is it Worth the Visit?

Post created July 21, 2023

Vancouver is on the Pacific Coast, which makes it a tantalizing vacation option for Canadians (and beyond!) who want one last vacation before winter sets in. However, you’re probably wondering whether your trip has any change of really cold weather or whether it could be rained out.

In this post, we’ll detail Vancouver’s weather in October. You’ll be able to compare the city’s weather to nearby months in September and November and decide if a trip to “Raincouver” is worth it in the fall.

What is Vancouver’s Weather Like In October?

Vancouver Trees in Fall with Downtown
A view of Vancouver’s downtown in fall (jamesvancouver/iStock Photo)

Vancouver’s weather in October is significantly more gray than summer. Sunshine hours drop 43% from September. The average temperature is mild, with high reaching 13.5 degrees Celsius (56 degrees Fahrenheit).

In addition, the city receives much more precipitation than summer with an average of 15 days receiving rainfall, versus just 8 days in September. In short, October in December is a transition period from the drier summer months to the city’s wettest month, November.

How Much Does It Rain in Vancouver, BC in October?

Vancouver receives 121 mm (4.75 inches) of rainfall on average during October. For comparison, here is Vancouver measured against nearby Victoria and Seattle:

  • Seattle receives 99 mm (3.9 inches) of rain in October
  • Victoria receives just 51 mm (2 inches) near downtown

Which is to say, if you’re looking for rain-free weather along the Pacific Coast, both Seattle and Victoria actually feature less rain and more sunshine hours than Vancouver does during October.

Vancouver Rainfall By Month
Rainfall in Vancouver, BC by month (Source: Canadian Government)

However, it’s worth noting that the earlier periods of October generally experience less rainfall. September sees 51 mm of rain, November 121, and November 189. November is actually Vancouver’s wettest month.

Overall, Vancouver sees roughly double the precipitation of rainfall of Victoria’s weather stations near downtown. Yet, to show how variable rainfall is along the Pacific Coast, if you use rainfall data from Victoria’s airport, it measures 88 mm of rain in October, which is significantly closer to what Vancouver sees.

How Hot is it in Vancouver in October?

Vancouver Monthly High Temperatures
Vancouver’s temperature peaks in July and August at about an average high of 22 degrees Celsius

The average high temperature in October in Vancouver, BC is 13.5 degrees Celsius (56 degrees Fahrenheit).

This is a big drop from September, which averages a high of 18.9 degrees Celsius (66 degrees Fahrenheit), but also significantly warmer than November averages of a high of just 9 degrees Celsius. The biggest difference between September and October is that sunshine hours decrease rapidly. In September Vancouver sees 213 hours of sunshine a month, but by October that total is just 121 hours. That’s partially a reflection of fewer available sunshine hours a month, but the larger factor is simply that Vancouver becomes much more overcast.

It’s worth noting that the average October high in Seattle is 16 degrees Celsius (61 degrees Fahrenheit) and Portland, Oregon averages highs of 18 degrees Celsius (64 degrees Fahrenheit) during the month, so the further south you go in the Pacific Northwest, you’ll generally find much warmer weather.

Things to Do in Vancouver, BC During October

Richmond Night Market near Vancouver, BC
Richmond’s Night Market has an incredible number of food vendors (ronniechua/iStock Photo)

October is a transition month that’s too cool for some of the best summer activities like whale-watching or kayaking in the Vancouver area, but too warm for winter activities like ice skating or a winter gondola to snowy Grouse Mountain. Yet, it still provides warm enough weather to be active. Here are a few of our favorite suggestions:

  • Try out the Vancouver Aquarium: It’s Canada’s largest aquarium and features more than 65,000 animals.
  • Take a Walk through Stanley Park: Stanley Park is an absolute gem, and October’s mild weather is the perfect time to explore its many paths and beaches.
  • Visit the Richmond Night Market: The Richmond Night Market won’t be open in late October, but if you visit early, most years it’s still open. That’s awesome because the night market is one of the best things to do in all of Canada. Vendors stretch as far as the eye can see and countless delicious food wonders await.
Ashleigh on ferry Island hopping.

Hi, I'm Ashleigh! Welcome to Seattle Travel, my little piece of beautiful PNW. This is home and I'm here to share all my experiences so visitors and locals alike can find the best experiences this part of the country has to offer. I started Seattle Travel in 2012 as a way to journal my experiences and over the years have been encouraged by family and friends to open up my adventures to everyone. I actively seek out the best food, activities, and day trips and give you a local perspective.  The Pacific Northwest is one of the most beautiful areas in the world and my goal is to let you explore it to the fullest. 

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