It was a beautiful Sunday at Seattle’s Alki Beach. I was enjoying sunshine and a good Stephen King book, when I noticed a woman and her gang of assistants unloading about 25 chairs onto the beach. This was followed by about 5 tables – all at the front of the beach blocking anyone’s view. You can see in this pic they had no trouble setting up right on top of other beach goers.
Now we’re all in favor of fun at the beach and a good party – but where does this cross the line? Basically – this was a full stop catered party – taking up a huge amount of space (and no people for hours – watched by a “sentry”). This was a 25 person party – is a 100 person party ok too? Public beaches are precious – and we’d encourage everyone to be considerate and realistic in what makes sense.
This woman seemed to be going a bit too far. Note the umbrella going up too at one of the many tables. wtF?